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The Unveiling of the Unidentified: A Congress Hearing on UAPs

In the hallowed halls of Congress, a hearing unlike any other unfolded. The subject? Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), or as they’re more commonly known,...

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The Unveiling of the Unidentified: A Congress Hearing on UAPs

In the hallowed halls of Congress, a hearing unlike any other unfolded. The subject? Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), or as they’re more commonly known, UFOs. The Pentagon had just released a report, the first of two volumes, stating that they found no evidence of extraterrestrial technology. The news sent ripples through the world, challenging long-held beliefs and Hollywood-fueled fantasies. David Grusch, a former military intelligence officer, took the stand. His testimony was nothing short of explosive. He alleged that executive branch agencies had withheld information about UAPs for years. He spoke of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program, of aircraft with “nonhuman” origins, and of “biologics” recovered from some craft. The room fell silent...

The Unveiling of the Unidentified: A Congress Hearing on UAPs

In the hallowed halls of Congress, a hearing unlike any other unfolded. The subject? Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAPs), or as they’re more commonly known, UFOs. The Pentagon had just released a report, the first of two volumes, stating that they found no evidence of extraterrestrial technology. The news sent ripples through the world, challenging long-held beliefs and Hollywood-fueled fantasies. David Grusch, a former military intelligence officer, took the stand. His testimony was nothing short of explosive. He alleged that executive branch agencies had withheld information about UAPs for years. He spoke of a multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse-engineering program, of aircraft with “nonhuman” origins, and of “biologics” recovered from some craft. The room fell silent...

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